About ME!

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What is ME!?

Mirconesians Empowered! began after I attended the One Young World Summit in Joannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa in October 2013.I always knew I had a deep interest in helping Micronesians and I completed my Masters Thesis on Barriers Contributing to Micronesians Obtaining Higher Education.

I learned that the issues of Micronesians having trouble attaining higher education was a growing issue and I became passionate about creating solutions to eradicate this disparity. I wanted to start a non-profit, but once attending One Young World, I knew that my passion would be to start a social business. The reason I decided this is because I think people love giving, but at the same time enoy getting something in return. This is where the journals came to life. When you buy one, part of the profit goes towards Micronesian scholarships. Basically, buying this product helps the cause!